I’m honored to serve as your Vice Mayor on the Mill Valley City Council. We successfully completed infrastructure projects like Miller Avenue, the boat dock, and skate park, and we increased investment in roads and wildfire preparedness. We reduced our retiree healthcare burden and saved more for pensions.
I serve as co-chair of the Disaster Preparedness subcommittee of the Marin County Council of Mayors and Councilmembers, and I championed forming Neighborhood Response Groups to make our community more resilient.
As school board liaison, I worked hard to extend the yellow bus pilot and to reduce traffic congestion.
In the next 4 years, our required pension contributions will double from $4 million to $8 million. We will need to make some tough decisions, and we will need councilmembers who know the budget details and are skilled in creating the community conversation we will need to be able to make some tough trade-offs.
My family and I have been proud to call Mill Valley home for 20 years. The beauty of Mill Valley is in how much we all care and are willing to work together. A connected community is a resilient community. I ask for your vote to keep making our town safer, more sustainable, and viable for generations to come.